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Workers Compensation for Injured Retail Store Employees – Work Comp Lawyer

Retail workers face various work-related risks.

retail injury workers compensation

When we talk of worker injuries, we most often think of employees in the construction and manufacturing sector. However, there are other types of workers as well that are at high risk of injuries, and retail workers are among them.

Retail Industry Workplace Accidents

Retail workers face various risks on the job. Although less common, the risks are similar to those associated with the manufacturing and construction sector. Many people tend to ignore the risks workers face in the back room of the retail workplace. Workers can get struck by an object, slip and fall off a ladder, get electrocuted by exposed wiring or get caught in equipment such as a trash compactor.

Store workers have to lift merchandise and heavy objects throughout their workday, and this strain can cause injuries. Workers can suffer from musculoskeletal injuries such as strains, sprains, and back pain can lead to huge medical bills.

Common Injuries in Retail

According to available statistics, the most common work-related injuries sustained by retail employees include:

  • Fractures and bruises
  • Overexertion and musculoskeletal injuries
  • Cuts
  • Repetitive strain injuries

Reporting Your Workplace Injury to the Supervisor or Employer

A retail worker may find it difficult to talk to the supervisor or manager about the workplace strain or injury. Unfortunately, in many cases, work-related injuries suffered by retail workers are not taken seriously by employers. Also, employees in the retail sector are usually not paid much more than the minimum wage, and upsetting their employer or manager could be a risk they may not be in a position to take. Workers are often afraid of losing their job if they end up upsetting their employer by informing them of their workplace injury.

Pursuing a Workers Compensation Claim

The first and foremost step to pursuing a worker compensation claim for a workplace injury in a retail setup is reporting the injury to the manager and then seeking immediate medical treatment. Once you have reported the injury, your employer will generally ask you to see the doctor chosen by them. The doctor will then assess the severity of the injuries, and the injured retail worker may be entitled to compensation for lost wages and temporary or permanent disability benefits.

Do I need to hire a St Louis work accident Lawyer if I get injured at the retail store where I work?

Whether your injury is very serious or not, if you are facing some trouble with your employer or insurance company, you should consider speaking with a workers compensation attorney. Your attorney can help protect your legal right to compensation for work-related injuries in Missouri.

Call (816) 399-3706 for a free case evaluation with an experienced injured at work lawyer at the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann.
Updated: June 10, 2019

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