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3 Common Types of Work-Related Back Injuries in Missouri

When back pain interrupts a person’s ability to work, it can impact their job and financial security.

In the United States, lower back pain is one of the most common health problems. An estimated 70 to 80 percent of Americans will experience some form of back pain in their lives. This pain can interfere with a person’s ability to perform household tasks, interact with and care for children, and their ability to work. 

misouri worker with a back injury

When back pain interrupts a person’s ability to work, it can impact their job and financial security. When it is caused by working conditions or an accident at the workplace, this can have an even greater strain or stress on a person. If you think your back pain results from your work, it is best to seek help.  A Missouri back injury lawyer can help you navigate this stressful time.

Acute Back Pain

If you feel a sudden pain in your back, it is known as an acute injury. Often, an acute injury impacts the back’s muscles or ligaments, including spasms, strains, or tears. This kind of pain can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, but it also can wreak havoc on your daily routine. 

Chronic Back Pain

On the other hand, chronic back pain can last longer than three months. This kind of pain can originate from a bulging or herniated disc, injury from heavy lifting, repetitive motion, muscle spams, or trauma from a slip, trip, or fall. While there are ways to treat chronic back pain without surgery, many times, chronic pain may require more intensive medical treatment. 

Severe Injury 

Unfortunately, some accidents can cause severe injury, including damage to your spinal cord, internal organs, and paralysis. This can mean serious surgery, long-term bed rest, and an intense rehabilitation plan if it is possible. A severe injury is a scary event for you and your family, and you are entitled to financial compensation for the emotional and physical stress. 

What Should You Do?

If you have been injured, and the pain lasts for more than three days, you should seek medical attention. A doctor will look for any serious, underlying conditions and help you to manage the pain. Notify your business place about the injury, and contact a dedicated legal professional to help you receive the compensation you deserve. 

A back injury can often be directly correlated to an accident or repetitive movements in a job. When this is proven, it can help alleviate any financial burdens associated with treatment, lack of work, or lost wages. 

The Law Office of James M. Hoffmann is here to help. We have helped countless injured Missouri workers get the support they deserve. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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Updated: August 6, 2024