If you have been injured at your place of employment, you will likely need help getting the compensation you deserve.
Unfortunately, from the moment you are injured, you will be up against a large insurance company with legal representation and deep pockets.
Not sure if you need a work injury lawyer? Here are a few signs you should be looking for legal help.
1. You’ve Been Permanently Injured
If you have a severe injury, such as a missing limb, fingers, or another permanent, disfiguring injury that may impact your ability to work, you may be entitled to permanent disability benefits.
However, most insurance companies have high barriers in place that must be overcome by employees before they can be compensated. A workers compensation lawyer can petition for long-term benefits on your behalf, and fight to get you the money you deserve for your injury.
2. You Require Surgery and Your Claim Is Denied
Many insurance companies deny claims for costly surgical procedures as a matter of habit and may claim that your medical treatments are not necessary. If this happens, you should hire a lawyer immediately to help you build your case, and get proper compensation for medical bills.
Note that, in Missouri, your employer does have the right to pick out a physician or hospital at which you receive treatment, in contrast to other states where this may be a violation of your workers’ compensation rights.
3. You Are Given Incorrect Benefits
If your benefits are inadequate – or you are not being given the benefits you were told that you would receive – it’s best to consult with an attorney, so that you can explore options for legal remedies, and negotiate with your insurance provider to get you the benefits that you deserve for being injured on the job.
4. You’re Not Getting Compensation in a Timely Manner
Your employer’s insurance company has a limited amount of time to begin disbursing workers compensation payments in Missouri or to inform you that they are denying your claim. You must file your injury report within 30 days of your injury.
If you are not getting compensated for your disability in a timely and reasonable manner, according to Missouri state law, it is best to speak with a lawyer to help you negotiate with the insurance company, and get you the disability payments that you deserve for your workplace injury.
Missouri Workers Compensation Attorney
A workplace injury can be devastating to your life and livelihood. That’s why it is a good idea to consult with a Missouri work injury lawyer as soon as you become injured on the job. With a lawyer on your side, you will be able to ensure you get all of the benefits you are entitled to, and that your case is resolved relatively quickly. Give us a call 24/7 at (816) 399-3706 for a FREE case evaluation.