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Workers Compensation for Missouri Workers Exposed to Toxic Chemicals

Exposure to toxic chemicals can have a variety of effects, some of which may even end up creating long-term health effects for the worker. When the topic of worker’s compensation comes to mind, people usually imagine a single event that leads to a work injury, such as a slip and fall. However, the program covers … Read more

Updated: November 15, 2020

Kansas City Missouri Workers Comp: Chronic Pulmonary Disease

asbestos exposure workers compensation

COPD can develop from exposure to harmful substances at the workplace, resulting in long-term disability. Chronic pulmonary disease (COPD) is also known as chronic obstructive airway disease. It is not a disease in itself, but a group of diseases that are caused by the limitation of airflow in the airways. COPD is a collective term used for a … Read more

Updated: June 14, 2019