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Can You File a Lawsuit Against a Third Party For a Workplace Injury?

A common misconception amongst employees is that the only compensation that they will get for a workplace injury would come from the employer. Workplace injuries can leave you shattered and overwhelmed, and in the midst of all the pain and suffering, you and your family have to worry about getting the compensation that you need … Read more

Updated: August 23, 2019

The Importance of Credibility in a Workers Compensation Claim

kansas city workers compensation legal case

Credibility plays a key role in the decisions of the administrative judges and if they feel that yours is questionable your appeal may be denied. Reporting a work injury immediately is a critical step in receiving compensation. Failing to do this could cost you your rightful claim. You do have the opportunity to fight a … Read more

Updated: August 21, 2019

How Can I File a Workers Compensation Claim in Missouri?

If someone gets injured in an accident at work, he/she is entitled to benefits under the workers compensation program. Injuries in the workplace are a common occurrence in the United States, and Missouri is no exception. If someone gets injured in an accident at work, he/she is entitled to benefits under the workers compensation program. … Read more

Updated: December 18, 2020