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When to Get a Doctor’s Second Opinion for Workers Comp

If you feel like your doctor isn’t giving you the best possible care, or if you’re unsure what they’re saying is true, you can ask for a second opinion.

Imagine you’ve been injured at work. You see one doctor who says your injuries are severe and will require time off to recover, while another doctor says your injuries aren’t that bad and you’ll be able to return to work soon. You’re confused, frustrated, and feeling defeated. Who is right?

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To start us off, it’s important to understand that the relationship between an injured worker and their doctor differs from the typical doctor-patient relationship. In most cases, the employer or insurance company controls which doctor you see and how often you can see them. This means that, in some cases, the employer may be more interested in getting you back to work quickly and at a lower cost than in ensuring you get the best possible care.

It’s also important to understand that, in most cases, the insurance company is not required to provide you with the best possible care – they are only required to provide you with “reasonable and necessary” care.

This can often lead to a situation where the employer/insurance company is more interested in what the doctor says than the injured worker. In other words, if the employer/insurance company can find a doctor who will say that your injuries aren’t that bad, they may be more likely to listen to that doctor than the one who says your injuries are more severe.

Getting a Second Opinion

If you feel like your doctor isn’t giving you the best possible care, or if you’re unsure what they’re saying is true, you can always ask for a second opinion. An Independent Medical Examination will clear up a lot of the confusion and allow you to get the best possible care.

Second, keep track of everything. Keep a journal of your symptoms, how often they occur, and how they impact your life. This will help you and your doctor better understand what’s going on with your body and give you something to refer back to if there are any questions later on.

Finally, remember that you can appeal your employer’s decision. If you think they’re not providing you with the care you need, or if they’re not following your doctor’s recommendations, you can file an appeal.

Speak With a Missouri Workers Comp Attorney 

Have you been injured at work and are unsure what to do next? The experienced Missouri workers’ comp attorney at The Law Office of James. M. Hoffman can help. We have a proven track record of over 30 years assisting injured Missouri workers and can help you get the care and benefits you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Updated: November 23, 2022

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