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The Hidden Dangers of the Food Manufacturing Industry

food manufacturing workers

Here are just a few of the hidden dangers faced by workers in the food manufacturing industry. Many people imagine a factory setting when they think about workplace injuries. What they don’t picture is that facility producing food. The reality is, though, that these types of manufacturers have one of the most hazardous work environments … Read more

Updated: June 10, 2019

The Most Common Injuries Suffered by Retail Workers

retain worker taking payment from customer

Here are four common accidents among retail workers and the injuries that each of them leads to. Retail is a notoriously tough industry in an emotional sense. However, people don’t always understand that physical risks are always involved in retail. Here are four common accidents among retail workers and the injuries that each of them … Read more

Updated: June 10, 2019

The Dangers Faced by Kansas City, MO Police Officers

dangers faced by kansas city mo police

The brave men and women who put their lives at risk to protect us face a variety of dangers on the job. Between public service, sufficient pay, and favorable retirement benefits, choosing to become a police officer is a decision that many Missouri residents make. Doing so comes with a variety of dangers, though. Despite … Read more

Updated: August 23, 2019

Common Work Injuries Auto Mechanics Face in Missouri

missouri auto mechanic smiling

Missouri auto mechanics that sustain injuries in the workplace may be entitled to Missouri workers compensation benefits. Some workplaces are inherently more dangerous than others. The jobs that involve a lot of physical labor create more opportunities for workplace accidents. Auto mechanics are one example of professionals that are at high risk of injuries. In … Read more

Updated: April 4, 2024