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Workers Compensation for Degenerative Bone Disease

degenerative bone disease

Degenerative bone or joint disease, such as osteoarthritis, is a condition in which the protective cartilage at the top of the bones wears out. In bone diseases, the bone weakens over time to the point that even a minor impact can lead to a fracture.

If this condition has been triggered by a workplace injury or if it has been accelerated by your work conditions, then you are likely entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Reach out to a Missouri work injury lawyer and let them explain what you can do to claim your rights.

How Work Can Worsen Your Condition

About 20 million people in the United States suffer from a degenerative bone or joint disease. This condition can greatly affect a person’s quality of life and work capacity as patients often suffer from intense and constant pain, difficulty walking, limited range of motion, stiff joints, tenderness, and so on.

Unfortunately, a lot of workers think that pre-existing conditions don’t qualify for workers’ compensation benefits and never file a claim. That’s simply not true. Your employer has to provide compensation if a work injury or environment aggravated your condition. And, there are many ways on which your work can worsen a degenerative bone or joint disease:

  • Repetitive motions
  • Bending
  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Prolonged sitting or standing
  • Loading and unloading cargo

Compensation for Degenerative Bone Disease

If your degenerative bone or joint diseases has been exacerbated by your work or work injury, then you can file a claim for compensation and cover the cost of treatment and loss of income. The benefits will not only pay for your medication, but all the medical expenses required too, such as surgery or physical therapy.

However, it is important to act quickly and at the first signs that your condition is getting worse. This will not only ensure that you don’t jeopardize your health, but it can also help when filing your claim. Waiting until your condition gets too bad may make the insurer to argue that you weren’t suffering that much in the first place if you decided not to take any action.

While the insurer bears the proof in determining that your condition was not aggravated by your work, you still need hard evidence to advance your claim. Seek medical attention if you notice any new symptoms and file an injury report as soon as possible.

Contact a Work Injury Lawyer Too

Proving that your work is affecting your health, personal life, and work performance can be challenging, especially if you suffer from a pre-existing condition. However, it is your right to receive compensation if your job or a work injury is causing you pain and suffering.

A good work injury lawyer can help you in this regard. They can ensure that your rights are respected and that you receive fair compensation for your condition.

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