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Work-Related Leg and Foot Injuries

leg in cast

Work-related accidents are a major cause of injuries to the leg and foot. The nature and severity of the injury generally depend on the type of workplace and the risks involved in a particular job. For example, people employed in construction and warehouse industries have a greater risk of getting injured on the leg or … Read more

Updated: July 29, 2019

When Is an Employee Covered by Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a system designed for the benefit of workers who become ill or get injured while at work. Even though it seems like a fairly simple process, there are cases when the workers’ compensation benefits are either limited or denied by the employer or the insurance company. There could be many reasons for this, but … Read more

Updated: December 18, 2020

Workers’ Compensation: Are There Any Alternatives?

Kansas City Missouri Workers Compensation Lawyer

There are instances when injured workers are in dire need of money while waiting for the approval of their workers’ compensation claim. Some options are available for the injured employees to deal with the daily expenses if they are not yet ready to report back to work. Social Security Disability Information about the eligibility for … Read more

Updated: August 23, 2019

Are Long Term Illnesses Covered under Workers Compensation?

Each year, millions of people get injured or become sick at their places of work. Some suffer only minor injuries that require minimal medical intervention, while some others receive serious injuries that render them disabled for the lifetime. Workplace injuries can turn out quite costly because of associated medical expenses and wage loss due to … Read more

Updated: August 23, 2019

Losing a Workers’ Compensation Case in Arbitration

Are there any options if you lose your workers’ compensation case in arbitration? Arbitration is a method of resolving a dispute, where disagreement is resolved out of court. A good number of states offer either mediation or arbitration as a way of providing solutions to disputes in workers’ compensation cases. For instance, Missouri gives two … Read more

Updated: July 29, 2019

Questions Regarding Occupational Disease and Workers Compensation

workers comp occupational disease

What is an occupation illness? An occupational disease is an illness or health condition caused exposure to certain hazardous elements in the workplace. Although occupational illnesses are covered by workers compensation, in order to get the benefits the injured worker will need to prove that the illness is a result of occupational exposure and not … Read more

Updated: December 18, 2020