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How Long Does It Take To Get Workers’ Compensation in Missouri?

The answer depends on a few things, including the types of injuries you sustained, the form of case resolution you choose, whether an appeal is filed, and whether or not you work with an attorney.

If you have been injured at work and filed a workers’ comp claim, you’d probably prefer to get your compensation quickly. After all, you have medical bills and other expenses that need to be taken care of. But how long does it really take to receive compensation benefits? The answer depends on a few things, including the types of injuries you sustained, the form of case resolution you choose, and whether an appeal is filed.

filing out a work injury form

1. The Intensity of Injury

The type of injury you have may affect the time it takes before you start receiving your settlement. In most cases, workers’ comp attorneys advise clients to wait for the conclusion of treatment or until a doctor declares maximum medical improvement before seeking compensation. This means that you have to fully recover before your doctor can issue a rating on your level of injuries. Thus, the more severe your injuries are, the longer it’ll take to heal and, in turn, the longer you’ll have to wait before you receive your compensation benefits.  

2. Form of Case Resolution You Choose

Workers compensation cases can be finalized in two ways:

Mediation or Settlement Conference

This is the most common resolution for work injury cases. It is also the fastest, so you can enjoy your benefits in a couple of weeks as long as the settlement terms are acceptable to you and the insurer.

Evidentiary Hearing

If you and the workers’ comp insurer can’t agree on all the major points and reach a settlement agreement, your case will typically go to trial. In such a situation, both you and the insurer will be required to provide evidence to support your claims. You can go through two types of hearings:

  • Hardship hearing: You can request this hearing if your claim has been denied while still receiving treatment. The judge will listen to both sides and make a ruling. But the case will remain open until you reach maximum recovery.
  • Final hearing: This can be requested by either party and should happen after reaching maximum medical improvement.

3. Whether an Appeal Is Filed

If the case is resolved through a hearing, there is a possibility of appeal. If you or the insurer’s attorney are dissatisfied with the initial award, an appeal can be filed with the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission. Unfortunately, this will also lengthen the duration of your case.

4. Whether You Hire an Attorney

When the slightest error or missed deadline can derail your workers’ comp case, it’s essential to have an attorney to help you do things right. They can help you ensure documentation is filed as required and on time. This can help reduce delays in the process.

An attorney can also develop strategies that will help accelerate the timeline of a workers’ comp claim.

Speak With An Experienced Workers Compensation Attorney

The process of getting your compensation without legal representation can be daunting. Get in touch with our experienced Missouri workers’ compensation attorneys 24/7 for a free case evaluation.

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Updated: August 9, 2021

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